I am a curly-haired brunette and I have a confession to make, all my life I have been aspiring to get that pin-straight hair while unknowingly sucking the life out of my hair. Well, I can’t say I have given up straightening entirely but now I only do it on special occasions which is like 3 to 4 times a year. I have continuously straightened my hair for around 8 years and for the last two years I am on the recovery path.
In order to get to the solution part let’s go to the problem part first. HUMIDITY is the Biggest Enemy of us curly-haired girls. We can put hours of effort and tons of serum in our hair but as soon as we step out in humid season POOFFFF!!!! there goes our effort.
In these two years, I have come across many interesting tips to make my hair manageable which I will share with you guys today. Before sharing tips I just want to say it took me a long time to see curly hair is beautiful when done right and no doubt it doesn’t happen easily but a little effort can enhance your natural beauty in ways you never knew existed.
- Treat your hair with natural products on a regular basis. Home remedies are the best way to do that. Curly hair needs tons of moisture which can be easily obtained through natural oil, aloe vera, egg(i know the smell make you want to throw up but the end result is worth suffering for)
- Apply products in semi-wet hair so that moisturization can be locked in hair, leaving hair soft and smooth upon drying.
- Use a leave-in conditioner and deep-conditioning mask to hydrate hair. Until now you must have realized that Dryness is the main culprit that causes frizziness. Frizzy hair is usually associated with curly hair but they have just damaged conditions of any hair type.
- During the drying process, use a cotton shirt to dry the hair instead of
a towel. The fibers in the towel can cause frizz. Using a cotton jersey
t-shirt is a much better idea as it will be less harsh on the hair. - Do not use drying products on your hair, try keeping your hair as soft as possible to maintain soft-looking curls.
- When shower always uses a wide-tooth comb in damp hair to evenly distribute leave-in condition in hair and detangle knots.
- Consume food that should be high in Vitamin A and take Biotin supplements to get healthy-looking curls. (Only take Biotin after consulting with your doctor)
- The basic mistake we make is we wash curly hair by applying shampoo directly which is not the right way to do it. We should always start from the bottom and that too with shampoo diluted in water as alone it can be really harsh on hair cuticles.
- Do not brush your hair always use a wide-tooth comb when damp.
- Do not use a towel, but rather a cotton t-shirt to dry your hair; squeeze the water out, don’t rub.
- Most importantly don’t use heating tools on your hair as they will make them look good only for a few hours but the damage that they will do will take years to recover.
Hello, my lovely readers!! I am loving how our community is growing with each passing day. Big hug to all of you. If you like this please comment and share. Until next time XO.