You know there’s one particular type of person that we all don’t want to date? Boring person.
Nobody wants to be with someone that can’t keep an engaging conversation or make them laugh. Also, earlier the only option was to communicate in real life but now text conversations can literally make or break your relationship. All the dating apps encourage you to talk with the people first and then meet if you feel compatible enough.
If you feel sad after hearing your friend’s story about he slid into his crush’s DM and now they are going out, then fret not. We have compiled a list of great evergreen questions that can make you an effective communicator.
You can use these questions anywhere be it your Insta crush, Tinder date, or anyone you fancy in real life. Our questions range from the cute initial stage to more deep insightful views of the person.
Fun Questions to Ask Your Crush
Let’s start with quick fun ones. We will suggest playing it like 20 questions with your crush so they are more spontaneous and natural in your answer. It will also give the impression that you are a confident and upbeat person.
1. What’s your favorite dialogue?
2. Which show or movie do you wish to watch for the first time?
3. Do you like outdoor sports or board games?
4. What was the first social media app you joined?
5. Have you ever taken an MBTI personality test?
6. What’s your dream country?
7. Can you speak multiple languages?
8. What are you; extrovert, introvert, or ambivert?
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
10. What is the first thing you notice in a person?
11. What’s something that you just find hilarious?
12. What annoys you the most?
13. What’s something that you tried but couldn’t do it?
14. What annoys you almost instantly?
15. How do you relax?
16. What’s your ideal weekend like?
17. Are you a cat or dog person?
18. Do you believe in aliens?
19. Have you ever lived with roommates?
20. Do you listen to any particular podcast?
21. Which celebrity do you stalk the most on Insta?
22. Have you ever tried a TikTok trend?
23. Do you have any interest in astrology?
24. Is there something extravagant you want to buy one day?
25. Will you share your music playlist with me?
26. Do you have a crazy adventure trip story to tell me?
27. What place do you find the most boring for a first date?
28. Which place do you find perfect for a first date?
29. Do you believe in soulmates?
30. What’s something you are passionate about?
31. What’s your prized possession?
32. Which animal really scares you?
33. Have you ever been in love?
34. Who’s your celebrity crush?
35. What’s something you find quite lame?

Romantic & Flirty Questions To Ask Your Crush
Most of the fun questions are just a quick way to know a person. From their music taste to their life goals, you can learn about that with just one question. Now, to see if you are romantically a good fit, you have to try some flirty texts. If the other person really likes you they would want you to take your texting to some next level. Most people who don’t find success on dating apps is because they can’t flirt well on text. Well, let’s make sure you don’t become one of them by giving you some hot and flirty conversation ideas.
36. What’s the most romantic thing you have ever done for someone?
37. What’s something you find irresistible in someone?
38. Do you like celebrating small milestones in relationships?
39. Do you like to celebrate Valentine’s Day extravagantly?
40. Have you ever written a love letter or received one?
41. What’s more your style handmade gifts or expensive ones?
42. Which color do you think will look good on me the most?
43. Do you like watching romantic movies?
44. Which celebrity couple do you adore the most?
45. Is a long-term relationship something you are considering with me?
46. What are your thoughts about our future together?
47. Will you plan a weekend getaway with me?
48. Do you miss me when we don’t talk?
49. If you have to pick honestly what it would be, looks or brain?
50. What’s your deal-breaker in a relationship?
51. Have you ever had a crush on your partner’s friend?
52. Are we more than friends?
53. Do you get butterflies while talking to me?
54. Do you wait for my message?
55. How will you describe me in 3 words?
56. Do you think we have officially started dating now?
Deep Questions To Ask Your Crush
Soon after the initial talking stage, we all do have a certain idea if the other person will stay in our lives for much longer or not. This is why deep conversations play an important role when getting serious with someone. Deep conversations are what make you truly bond with that special person. To learn more about if your crush is truly your ideal, ask them these questions and then you’ll have your answer.
57. Do you think couples should have the same friend circle or not?
58. Do you have any regrets in life?
59. What’s something you really want to do it could be anything.
60. Do you like to think about life?
61. Have you ever thought about all your life that has passed till now?
62. Where do you find more comfort, in the past, present, or in the unknown of the future?
63. Do you have a motto in life?
64. Is there a time in your life you just want to erase?
65. Have you ever been heartbroken?
66. How drastically different your life is from how you imagined it in your childhood?
67. Have you found your passion yet?
68. What’s something people get wrong about you when they first meet you?
69. How do you think you can be the best version of yourself?
70. Do you forgive or forget?
71. What’s a habit you want to change?
72. Are you truly ready for a relationship?
73. What scares you?
74. Have you ever cheated or been cheated on?
75. Can you tell me something that you have never told anyone?
76. Have you ever done anything risque?
77. Do you have any interest in changing the world?
78. Do you think our lives have a purpose?
79. Do you like traveling and learning about others cultures?
80. Is your friend circle diverse or do you prefer hanging out with similar people?
81. What’s the dumbest tweet you have ever tweeted?
82. Do you think you have grown as a person?
83. Do you apologize quickly or wait for the other person to apologize?
84. Do you think opposites attract or is it just a cheesy saying?
85. What uplifts your mood when you feel extremely down?
86. When was the last time you did something for yourself?

Credit: Pexels
This Or That Questions To Ask Your Crush
After some heavy questions let’s go back to the easy breezy romantic exchange. One thing we all dread be it on physical dates or online chatting is an awkward silence. Especially when you are just getting to know the other person, try playing impromptu games. In the end, all these are just a way to get to know the other person well. Also, keep the tone of your message casual, and don’t let the conversation feel forced.
87. Night or Day?
88. New or Vintage?
89. Books or Movies?
90. Binge-watching in casual clothes or Hanging out with friends?
91. Singing or Dancing?
92. Marvel or DC?
93. Mind reading or Teleportation?
94. Summer or Winter?
95. More money or More friends?
96. Classy Restaurant or Regular Diner?
97. Cakes or Cookies?
98. Escape room or Karaoke?
99. Past Wisdom or Future Anticipation?
100. Pop Music or Indie Songs?
101. Long Eyelashes or Full Eyebrows?
102. Cartoons or Anime?
103. Coffee or Kombucha?
104. Pilates or Running?
105. Work in an office or Work from home?
106. 500 years before Or 500 years after?
107. Love your birthday or Don’t care?
108. Spontaneous Trip or Well-organized Trip?
109. Practical or Emotional?
110. Pre-written destiny or Ever-changing fate?
111. Dreamer or Realist?
112. True Love or Life Goals?
How To Talk To Your Crush On Text
While all these questions are great conversation starters, you have to pick the right ones that will work the best for you. You just have to be confident and charming for these questions to work. Also, if you ask a question and the other person doesn’t want to answer, respect that. Trust us, it won’t go unnoticed and you will be appreciated for it.
From our side, good luck in getting the person of your dreams!
If you liked this article, then also do check out wonderful love letters templates that you can send to your partner.